Exploit Linux Assembly and Disassembly the Basics


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|=---------------=[ Linux Assembly and Disassembly the Basics ]=--------------=|
|=-------------------------=[ [email protected] ]=------------------------=|

---[ Introduction to as, ld and writing your own asm from scratch.

 First off you have to know what a system call is. A system call, or software 
interrupt is the mechanism used by an application  program to request a service 
from the operating system. System calls often use a special machine code instruction 
which cause the processor to change mode or context (e.g. from "user more" to 
"supervisor mode" or "protected mode"). This switch is known as a context switch, 
for obvious reasons. A context is the protection and access mode that a piece of 
code is executing in, its determined by a hardware mediated flag. If you have ever 
heard of people talking about ring zero or cr0 they are referring to code that 
executes at protected or supervisor mode such as all kernel code. A context switch 
allows the OS to perform restricted actions such as accessing hardware devices or 
the memory management unit. Generally, operating systems provide a library that sits 
between normal programs and the rest of the operating system, usually the C library 
(libc), such as Glibc, or the Windows API. This library handles the low-level details of 
passing information to the kernel and switching to supervisor mode. These API's give 
you access functions that make your job easier, for instance printf to print a formatted
string or the *alloc family to get more memory. 

In linux the system calls are defined in the file /usr/include/asm/unistd.h.

entropy@phalaris entropy $ cat /usr/include/asm/unistd.h 
#ifndef _ASM_I386_UNISTD_H_
#define _ASM_I386_UNISTD_H_

 * This file contains the system call numbers.

#define __NR_restart_syscall	0
#define __NR_exit               1
#define __NR_fork               2
#define __NR_read               3
#define __NR_write              4
#define __NR_open               5
#define __NR_close              6


Each system call is shown as the system call name preceded by __NR_ and then 
followed by the system call number.  The system call number is very important 
for writing asm programs that don't use gcc, a compiler or libc. The system call 
and fault low-level handling routines are contained in the file 
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/entry.S although this is over our head for now.

The text that you type for the instructions of the program is known as the source 
code. In order to transform source code into a executable program you must assemble
and link it. These steps are done for you by a compiler, but we will do them seperatly. 
Assembling is the process that transforms your source code into instructions for the 
machine. The machine itself only reads numbers but humans work much better with words.
An assembly language is a human readable form of machine code. The linux assemblers 
name is `as`, you can type `as -h` to see its arguments. `as` generates and object file 
out of a source file. An object file is machine code that has not been fully put 
together yet. Object files contain compact, pre-parsed code, often called binaries, 
that can be linked with other object files to generate a final executable or code 
library. An object file is mostly machine code. The linker is the program responsible 
for putting all the object files together and adding information so the kernel knows 
how to load and run it. `ld` is the name of the linker on linux. 

So to summarize, source code must be assembled and linked in order to produce and 
executable program. On linux x86 this is accomplished with

	as source.s -o object.o
	ld object.o -o executable

Where "source.s" is your assembly code, "object.o" is the object file produced 
from `as` and output (-o), and "executable" is the final executable produced when 
the object file has been linked.

In the last tutorial we used gcc to generate the asm and then to compile the 
program. When we called write we pushed the length of the string, the address 
of the string, and the file descriptor onto the stack and then issued the instruction 
"call write". This needs some explanation because how we do it now is totally 
different. That way, pushing values onto the stack, is because we were using C 
(hello.c) and hence gcc generates C code which uses the C calling convention. A 
calling convention is the way that variables are stored and the parameters and 
return values are transfered, C takes its parameters and passes its return variables 
in a stack frame (eg pushl $14, pushl $.LC0, pushl $1, call write). A stack frame is 
a piece of the stack that holds all the info needed to call a function. 
So when we issued the "call write" instruction we were using the C Library (libc), 
and the write there was really the system call write, same name, but wrapped in 
libc (eg. getpid() is a wrapper for syscall(SYS_get_pid)). Now when we write our 
own asm for now we will not be using libc, even though that was is easier its not 
always possible to use and its good to know whats happening on a lower level.

Here's our first program.

entropy@phalaris asm $ cat hello.s 

.section .data
   .ascii "Hello, World!\n\0" 
.section .text 
.globl _start
   movl $4, %eax   
   movl $14, %edx   
   movl $hello, %ecx
   movl $1, %ebx 
   int $0x80
   movl $1, %eax 
   movl $0, %ebx 
   int $0x80                    

entropy@phalaris asm $ as hello.s -o hello.o
entropy@phalaris asm $ ld hello.o -o hello
entropy@phalaris asm $ ./hello 
Hello, World!

Same output as before and accomplished the same thing but done very differently.

.section .data

Starts the section .data where all our data goes. We could just as easily have 
done .section .rodata like what gcc generated in the intro and then the string 
would have been read only but its much more common to put initialized data into 
the .data section. .rodata section is more like we wanted to do a #define hello 
"Hello, World\n" in C, in the .data section its more similar to 
char hello[] = "Hello, World\n".


The label hello, which remember is a symbol (a symbol being a string representation 
for an address) followed by a colon. A label says, when you assemble, take the 
next instruction or data following the colon and and make that the labels value.

.ascii "Hello, World!\n\0" 

And here is what the value of the label hello: is going to be, the label hello is going 
to point to the first character of the string (.ascii defines a string) "Hello, World!\n\0".

.section .text 

Here we start our code section.

.globl _start

`as` expects _start while `gcc` expects main to be the starting function of an 
executable.  Again .globl tells the assembler that it shouldn't get rid of the 
symbol after assembly because the linker needs it.


_start is a symbol that is going to be replaced by an address during either 
assembly or linking. _start here is where our program will start to execute when 
loaded by the kernel.

movl $4, %eax

When calling a system call the system call number you want to call is put into the 
register eax. As we saw above in the file /usr/include/asm/unistd.h, the write 
system call was defined as "#define __NR_write        4". So here we are moving 
the immediate value 4 into eax, so when we call the kernel to do its work it will 
know we want write.

movl $14, %edx   
movl $hello, %ecx
movl $1, %ebx 

The write system call is expecting three arguments namely, the file descriptor to 
write to, the address of the string to write, and the length of the string to write. 
When calling system calls, function arguments are passed in registers, which differs 
from the C Library or libc convention which expects function arguments to be pushed 
onto the stack. So we have the system call number goes into eax, the first argument 
goes into ebx, the third into ecx, the fourth into edx. There can be up to six 
arguments in ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp consequently. If there are more arguments, 
they are simply passed though the structure as first argument. So we fill in the 
registers that write needs to do its job, we move 1 which is STDOUT into ebx, we put 
the label hello's value (which is the address of the string "Hello, World!\n\0") 
into ecx, and we put the length of the string 14, into edx. 

int $0x80

This instruction int(errupts) the kernel($0x80) and asks it to do the system 
function whos index is in eax. An interrupt interrupts the programs flow and 
asks the kernel to do something for us. The kernel will then preform the system 
function and then return control to our program. Before the interrupt we were 
executing in a user mode context, during the system call we were executing in 
a protected mode context, and when the kernel is done and returns control to 
our program we are again executing in a user mode context. So the kernel reads 
eax does a write of our string and returns.

movl $1, %eax

Now were done and we need to exit, so what number do we use to 
execute exit? Look back at unistd.h and we see that exit is 
"#define __NR_exit         1".  

movl $0, %ebx

exit expects one argument namely the return code (0 means no errors), 
so we put that into ebx.

int $0x80

Call the kernel to execute exit with return code 0 and were done.

Onto the disassembly.

Compile with debugging symbols, `as` uses the same -g or -gstabs that `gcc` does.

entropy@phalaris asm $ as -g hello.s -o hello.o

And link it.

entropy@phalaris asm $ ld hello.o -o hello

Start gdb.

entropy@phalaris asm $ gdb hello
GNU gdb 6.3
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, 
and you arewelcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under 
certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-pc-linux-gnu"...Using host libthread_db library 

Set a breakpoint  at the address of _start so we can step through it.

(gdb) break *_start
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048094: file hello.s, line 7.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/entropy/asm/hello 
Hello, World!

Program exited normally.
Current language:  auto; currently asm

The breakpoint didn't work, Im not sure why this happens but we can do a quick 
fix. Here is the fixed asm.

entropy@phalaris asm $ cat hello.s 

.section .data
   .ascii "Hello, World!\n\0" 
.section .text 
.globl _start
   movl $4, %eax   
   movl $14, %edx   
   movl $hello, %ecx
   movl $1, %ebx 
   int $0x80
   movl $1, %eax 
   movl $0, %ebx 
   int $0x80                    

The only difference is the nop or no operation right after _start. 
Now we can set our breakpoint and it will work. Reassemble and link.

entropy@phalaris asm $ as -g hello.s -o hello.o
entropy@phalaris asm $ ld hello.o -o hello

Start gdb.
entropy@phalaris asm $ gdb hello
GNU gdb 6.3
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, 
and you arewelcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under 
certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions.

There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-pc-linux-gnu"...Using host libthread_db library 

List our assembly. I put in comments so it would be easier to follow.

Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048095: file hello.s, line 8.
(gdb) list _start
2       hello:				# label hello, address of the first char
3          .ascii "Hello, World!\n\0"	# .ascii defines a string
4       .section .text                 	# our code start
5       .globl _start                   # the start symbol defined as .globl
6       _start:                        	# the start label
7          nop                          # no operation for debugging with gdb
8          movl $4, %eax                # mov 4 into %eax, 4 is write(fd, buf, len)
9          movl $14, %edx               # 14 is the length of our string
10         movl $hello, %ecx            # the address of our string
11         movl $1, %ebx                # 1 is STDOUT, to the screen
(gdb) <hit enter>
12         int $0x80                    # call the kernel
13         movl $1, %eax                # move 1 into %eax, 1 is syscall exit()
14         movl $0, %ebx                # move 0 into %ebx, exit's return value
15         int $0x80			# call kernel

Set a break point at our nop.

(gdb) break *_start+1
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048095: file hello.s, line 8.

And run it.

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/entropy/asm/hello 

Breakpoint 1, _start () at hello.s:8
8          movl $4, %eax	# mov 4 into %eax, 4 is write(fd, buf, len)
Current language:  auto; currently asm

Now the breakpoint works.

(gdb) step
_start () at hello.s:9
9          movl $14, %edx	# length for write 14 is the length of our string
(gdb) step
_start () at hello.s:10
10         movl $hello, %ecx	# the address of our string
(gdb) step
_start () at hello.s:11
11         movl $1, %ebx	# 1 is STDOUT, to the screen
(gdb) step
_start () at hello.s:12
12         int $0x80		# call the kernel

Check the registers to see if they have the correct information in them.

(gdb) print $edx
$1 = 14
(gdb) x/s $ecx
0x80490b8 <hello>:       "Hello, World!\n"
(gdb) print $ebx
$2 = 1
(gdb) print $eax
$3 = 4

Looks good so let the kernel do its work.

(gdb) step
Hello, World!
_start () at hello.s:13
13         movl $1, %eax	# move 1 into %eax, 1 is syscall exit()

It has executed the write system call, you can see the printed string and 
returned to gdb. Now we call exit.

(gdb) step
_start () at hello.s:14
14         movl $0, %ebx	# move 0 into %ebx, exit's return value
(gdb) step
_start () at hello.s:15
15         int $0x80		# call kernel
(gdb) step

Program exited normally.

And its done.

(gdb) q
entropy@phalaris asm $ 

Check out the objdump output.

entropy@phalaris asm $ objdump -d hello

hello:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

08048094 <_start>:
 8048094:       90                      nop    
 8048095:       b8 04 00 00 00          mov    $0x4,%eax
 804809a:       ba 0e 00 00 00          mov    $0xe,%edx
 804809f:       b9 b8 90 04 08          mov    $0x80490b8,%ecx
 80480a4:       bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx
 80480a9:       cd 80                   int    $0x80
 80480ab:       b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax
 80480b0:       bb 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%ebx
 80480b5:       cd 80                   int    $0x80
entropy@phalaris asm $ 

Notice the difference from the last tutorial objdump output, no snipping of 
tons of lines of extra sections and such, its only the code we coded in there 
which is so much cleaner. Notice how easy it would be to take the opcodes and 
make some tiny shell code out of, again without the nulls. What? You want some shellcode 
to print "Hello, World!\n" for your next 0day? Next time my friend, next time.

# milw0rm.com [2006-04-08]

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