Обсуждение A view on BA and Cashouts

  • Автор темы spawnsaw
  • Дата начала
  • Просмотров 846 Просмотров


29 Сен 2023
Good day forumers, I have been doing some research on bank transfers and so far I have decided to share some hypothesis with you all that has given me some quality feedback. I have seen a lot of adverts of sellers of BA and people looking for drops (cash out services) and I decided to shed some light on this issue, for starters I don't advise anyone with little or no knowledge to indulge in this activities without conducting a research on how bank transfers actually work (i.e use wiki)my point being that first of all you are faced with the problem of record keeping based on transfer transaction history on the bank account of owners ( that is the account of every transaction conducted by a customer by the bank) and also the bank system logs regarding every transaction conducted by their customers hence, a fools gold. Also the need to worry about 'ripper drops' should not be necessary because you have the drop details at hand which also makes you able to track your ripper, hence the idea behind the transaction history, whereby still using details of the drop (you might request for more details down to internet banking login details when making a transfer to the drop) to track where your transaction has been redirected too. Another thing I researched about is the idea that most people ask you to provide the BA to cash out on their own but come up with stories later on about account lockouts, my advise is don't fall for those sort of scams because after providing the BA for cash out the ripper drop can extract the email address, location and name) of the BA owner to phish (send a virus or use a form to gain more credentials) later on with the assurance of the amount in the BA provided by you and given the acquisition of more credentials might come up with different schemes such as getting someone from his/her team to marry or befriend the account owner (male/female), move in as the next door neighbor and every other thing you can come up with). Always be sure to understand the nature of operating with a BA from an expert at any cost (giving the amount of returns) before proceeding, the word beginner should not count for begging in your case. This article is based on the need to share an idea open for discussion and debate not to as a guide to encourage cyber crime or any malicious activities, you are responsible for what you do. #GetSmart